Planifikimi i referohet procesit e të vendosurit se çfarë te behet dhe si të bëhet planifikimi ne i qëndrueshëm. Në…
Punimi e shtjellon analizën e funksionit të harxhimeve nga aspekti i aplikimit të Ekonomisë Kibernetike. Analizohen harxhimet e tërësishme, harxhimet…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of contemporary geosensors such as RFID for disaster management. First…
In this research paper is dealt about the age structure of the population in regions of the Republic of Macedonia.…
The Western Border characterized with 86 villages and the city of Debar. Close to the border are the cities Struga,…
Parku Kombëtar ,,Bjeshkët e Nemuna” ndodhet në pjesën perëndimore të basenit të Dukagjinit (Fig. 1.) me drejtim të shtrirjes Veri…
The purpose of this paper is to better understand the meaning of the role of geospatial information broker for national…
The purpose of this paper consists in defining and determining of territorial-spatial units of the municipality of Prishtina with several…
In Albania, the System of Immovable Property Registration, which realizes the registration of property titles, has been created. This system,…
Large development step of NGO-s, in general, but also the inclusion of the environmental NGO-s, itself is done in Kosovo…